The training program in prosthetic dentistry including Crown & Bridge & Implantology is designed to attain knowledge and skill in theoretical and clinical laboratory, attitude, communicative skills, and ability to research with an understanding of social, cultural, educational, and environmental background of the society.
Periodically the department is organizing continuing dental education programme for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
The program outline caters to knowledge, procedural, and operative skills required in Master's Degree in Prosthodontics. With a minimum formal training of at least 3 years through the graded system of education as enumerated, it shall equip the trainee to reach a master's degree in prosthodontics including crown and bridge and implantology, properly and acquire skill/knowledge enabling them to remain updated with development in the same. The following course content have been identified as essential knowledge for the purpose.
Our department is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge through innovative research.
We focus on exploring cutting-edge techniques and materials for tooth preservation and restorative dentistry.